I think that it is necessary for student athletes to understand what type of fan their parents are. Why is it important to know this? Parents, after all, wear a multitude of hats…Shuttle Driver, ATM, Fans, Organizer to name just a few. They are why you are where you are today.
As I have sat on the sidelines of many a volleyball game, I feel I have witnessed it all. There are many types of sideline parents. It is not to say that any parent falls into any one type or completely fits the description of a type. And one is not any better than another, but they all come from a form of passion for their child.
Why are different types of parent beneficial to a team?
Each of the types seem to to carry some negative connotation to them. [After all, they are parents! And parents only strive to embarrass their players!] This, however, could not be further from the truth. The diversity of parents play their part and makes a bubble around your team. For example, a parent who is yelling at the referee. This one seems to be the worst type of parent that others shy away from. But, they are engaged in what you love to do and only act that way from a place of passion. They feel the perceived injustice which was made will alter the course of the game and therefore you. In doing so, they ultimately are allowing the players dissatisfaction to be released and allowing the player to stay in control. Others are seemingly just as annoying to the players, coaches, referees and fans. The one that yells constantly with loads of positivity. This one is often perceived as a “living through their kid”, but in reality, they can be what keeps the players spirits up, even if in a defeatist position.
Types of parents
The record or photograph just my kid
The photographer inclusive to all players
The constant yell of positivity
The emotional charged one that feeds off the feeling of the players
The stoic one
The “my child didn’t do that”
The blame it on the refs
The overly competitive parent
The loud one
The trash talker
The I’ll coach from the stands
The I know my kid better than the coach
The I will explain the bracket as no one else can understand it (thank you to this person)
Do you know what was important about each of these types of parents? They are there, in the stands, for you. Rooting you on. Being your support, the pillars to your athletic faith. They drive at all hours early and late to give you the opportunity. They are those that love you. Regardless of what type you see your sideline parent as, you see them as you parent. Give your parents an extra hug.